
Annie & Family

Check out this adorable little family...


And honestly, do they make 'em any cuter than this?
I think not.











Check out this Mama-to-be. If there is such thing as a "pregnancy glow" she's definitely got it. I was never brave enough to have maternity pictures done of myself, but then again I never looked like this. I resembled something somewhat of a beached whale.
A large beached whale.
A large beached whale that was retaining a lot of water.
Pretty much that was my excuse when I was pregnant, I'm not fat... I'm just retaining a lot of water right now. I don't think people bought it, but at least it made me feel better.

On to more important stuff... like pictures,



Helloooo! Stunning

(don't tell me you don't know how to work it, 'cause I'm not buying it)


The last three pictures are all very similar.
Same pose. Same belly. Different settings. Different crops.

First shot: Metered on the subject Setting: SS 1/320, AV 2.8, ISO 200

Second Shot: Metered on the sunset Settings: SS 1/4000, AV 2.8, ISO 200

Third shot: Again, metered on the sunset Settings: SS 1/2500, AV 2.8, ISO 200


Sneak Peek

Here's just a little teaser until I get the rest of the images edited. :)

So, I have a question. Which picture do you prefer?




I can't decide. I love them both!


Tara + Joe

These are not engagement pictures. No, these are we've-been-married-for-11-years-and-we've-still-got-it-going-on pictures. These two are soo-o-oo in love and it shows in every shot.

I had a blast guys! Hope you enjoy...







Melts in the Heart, Not in the Hand

I've said it before, but I'll say it again. This boys little face & perfect smile melts my heart like butta'. I think it's going to be his survival mechanism that gets him through this life. Despite the mischief & naughtiness he finds himself in, he's able to flash these little innocent, I-would-never-get-into-trouble looks and everything's better. It will definitely serve him well when he's married, that's for sure. :)

So here's Kaleb, my middle child and most favorite son I have. (I can say that's since he's my only son)


*I used the actions Feeling Blue & Make it POP!*


*Vintage Gold with texture on top*



*Feeling Blue*


*Vintage B/W*
Here's Kaleb taking us to the gun show. He's all boy! I love his little muscle man face, just cracks me up!



Some More of My Favorite People..

Time to meet the family up close and personal.

Photobucket Image Hosting

Photobucket Image Hosting

My favorite shot. This little man could not keep a straight face...

Photobucket Image Hosting

My other favorite shot. (I'm allowed to how multiple favorites aren't I?)

Photobucket Image Hosting

Other stuff,

This past weekend was CRAZY! The day I put up the 150 free downloads of my actions I had almost 800 hits. Who would have thought? Instead of putting the actions into early retirement, I have decided to sell them. So now, if want to get a set of the actions you can purchase them for $20. Just click on the buy it now button and you can pay with credit card via paypal (you don't need to have an account). It's as simple as that. Now I've never been much of a sales person, but here's my attempt. Instead of the used car sales man approach (I've always been afraid of them) I'm going to try the Jedi tactic....

(with a gentle raise and wave of my hand)
You want to purchase Ginnie's actions. You need to purchase Ginnie's actions. You will be at one with peace and harmony as soon as you purchase Ginnie's actions.
(my hand slowly lowers)

Did you feel anything? I've been practicing pretty hard. I've tried the ways of the Jedi on my husband. You want to do the dishes. You want to cook me dinner. You enjoy giving me massages. You think I look skinny. So far my attempts have been unsuccessful with him. I'm hoping I'll have better luck with you. ;)

To all those who got my actions, I hope you love them as much as I do! Thanks so much for all the positive comments and emails. I've enjoyed the links you've been sending me, to check out the pictures you've used my actions on. There are some pretty amazing photographers out there, that is for sure!


Free Stuff! * *Updated* * EXPIRED

The 150 downloads are gone. For those who got them I hope you enjoy them. I would love to see your play with the actions :)
For those who didn't, don't despair. The next best word to FREE is SALE!
Those actions will be up for sell for 50% for the first two days, after that they will go to $20.
Check back later tonight or in the morning for the SALE!


Life is hard when your Mom has a camera glued to her hand. Here's the proof,


So let's pretend that Abrie is super excited to get her picture taken,
and let's pretend that I didn't have to bribe her with loads of candy
(Super Nanny would be ashamed),
and let's pretend that my youngest child isn't running around without any pants on,
and let's pretend that I didn't use the phrase, "Pose like Hannah Montana",
and let's pretend that getting your picture taken isn't the end of the world.
And people ask me why I don't have any more pictures of my kids? This is why.

* * * Time for my S u R p r I s e! * * *
(for all my photog friends out there)

There's something about the word F R E E that makes me feel so mmmm, mmmmm good! I'm assuming that everyone shares an equal love for the word free! So with that in mind, I have created a set of actions that I am so excited to share with you.

(Finally I got the girl to crack a smile, with a little coaxing and a lot of bribery)
I edit all my pictures with the lighten, color boost, and make it POP actions.
Simple & basic!

The next ones are my absolute favorites!

-50 more free downloads HERE- Expired
(these actions were made in CS2. They will also work for CS3 and possibily 7)

The download will only be available for 1 week or 100 downloads- whatever comes first. So download 'em, try 'em, tweak 'em.... whatever. I'd love to hear what you think.

PS- I've had several people ask me about my B&W and how I process them. I use the Mocha action on most of them. Some people also had questions about the PP'ing on the picture of Abrie a few posts down (the one with the cheesy grin). I used my Vintage Gold action on those ones.

PPS- For all my non-photog friends out there, I'll have a surprise coming up for you in the next few weeks...


...because I'm scared for my life

I had to do a quick post because I've been receiving threatening emails from this cute little family. They needed to see some pictures or else.... You would think that they look too sweet to do something like that, but looks can be deceiving. ;)

Meet Ben & Jenny. I find it's easier if I just call them BENNY (why not kill two birds with one stone). These are some of my favorite people. Just love them to death... until they start sending threatening emails and then it's time to get a restraining order. So I figure I can't hold these pictures as hostage any longer.





PS- Totally kidding about the restraining order thing... kind of. ;)