
♫ Kriss Kross Will Make Ya.... ♫

So am I totally lame if I admit to liking that song when I was younger?
What about the fact that I could probably sing it word for word?

The Mac Dad will make ya... ♫


I Want To Eat You...

Yes I do!

I can't get enough of baby porter. I'm thinking you might be seeing a lot of this little chubs. Cuteness like this deserves to be blogged.

And here I am trying to convince my new little nephew that I'm his new Mommy... kind of hand-that-rocks-the-cradle-ish... I know.


Some More Baby-ness

I think I'll take one to go, please.
Oh, and don't biggie size it.
I like 'em small & tiny just like this...

If only getting a baby here was just that easy of a process.
Drive thru baby.
Now that is something I could handle.
9 months of feeling like a beached whale?
Not so much.

I better be careful being around all these little babies. I just might possibly start to want one of my very own.

Time to meet the sweet babe.
His parents call him Logan,
but his brother calls him Austen.
I chose a happy medium and called him Logausten.


It helps to be CUTE...

You're killing me smalls with that doll faced look!


The Perfect Package

• S w e e t •
• Beautiful •
• Talented •

Oh, and did I mention she's only 17?

Can I be 17 again, except in smaller/cuter package like this?