

"Someone who appreciates and actively seeks information about portable lights because of an ongoing fascination with them and their development, and whose interest often results in the purchase and/or modification of these lights, very often to the point of distraction, social alienation, drunkenness, divorce, arrest, impoverishment, and general disintegration."


Some people want me to capture priceless moments of their growing babies, while others want to have images captured of their timeless love for one another. Well, in this case, some people just want pictures done of their flashlights.

I use the term flashlight lightly (no pun intended), because this is no ordinary flashlight (flashlights are just child's play). No, this is a Surefire... a real mans flashlight. I cannot begin to explain the art of the Surefire, because this is something I don't fully understand myself and quite frankly, never will.

Flashaholism is not to be taken "light"ly (pun intended this time). You never know who might suffer from it; could be your next door neighbor, could be your husband... could even be you. One of the sure signs of being a flashaholic is the desire to conceal multiple flashlights and the uncontrolable desire to modify flashlights. In fact, there is actually a forum dedicated to flashaholics (you learn something new every day).

So I dedicate this post to all the flashaholics out there... or at least to the only one I know.

In all seriousness, these are pretty awesome flashlights that made for some sweet pics.


Anonymous said...

Your words made me laugh...that is so funny and that first photo is incredible!!!

Chell said...

OH my gosh that IS my father exactly, he also gives everyone flashlights at christmas hoping to spread his disease.

Awesome shots Love the second one.

Unknown said...

You are hilarious... another unique post from a unique mamma! Your journaling is the best, but the pictures are better! hugs... Toni

Mom2Drew said...

Love that journaling!!

Kristi said...

Too funny!!! That first shot is really really cool!

Amy said...

Your journaling is so funny! I especialy love those last two photos, you caught great detail.

For Over 29 Years... said...

LOL you are too cute! Great shot of the first one, I thought it was a wheel of a roller skate.

Liz said...

Great detail shots!
I love the journaling, too funny!

Bobbi said...

Ohh you are not playing around ;) Love the texture on that first shot.

Anonymous said...

Holy Moly...I am totally cracking up! You know what I say, Love! You aren't a alcoholic (or in your case insert FLASHAHOLIC) unless you go to the meetings. I love this post. Its funny and the photos are fantastically interesting.

pat said...

HAHAHAHA!!! I LOVE this! Who ever thought flashlights could look so interesting. Nice eye.

Becky said...

LOL. That's awesome!

Kristina said...

Too funny! Great post :)

pakosta said...

your funNY!
and great shots!

Margaret said...

Too funny, Ginnie!:) But you're right, they do make for some cool pictures!

Travis said...

I really like the textures in the bottom two shots, nicely done.


jewels said...


Reading your post was great! My favorite photo is the last one. I love how I'm forced to figure out what to do with that eye shape in the middle of the fluid curves!



Tera Fraley said...

so funny!! Love the details here, neat!! TFS

Suzy said...

LOL,, I love this!