
The Color War

I can never decide if I like black & white or color better...
(that's why you get to see both)



Chell said...

On this one I would vote B&W but it is a tough call. great pic.

Sarah Merritt said...

I vote B&W... but it is a tough choice they're both beautiful!

momaziggy said...

I'm a blog stalker...sorry! Lol! But I like the color best. Both are beautiful as all of your shots are...but the color to me tells more of a story of her in this shot.

Brooke said...

oh i dig the flip you did....might have to steal it :) I love the warm b&w!!!!! the finger up the nose of your little girl made me lol

Emily said...

Ginnie! You seriously one of the most talented photographers I have ever seen. I want you to take my family pictures next time I'm in Utah!!!!!