
Little Piggies

A rare moment caught on film...the kids actually getting along. There's nothing like a little peace and quite even if it only lasts 5 minutes.


Jessica said...

What kind of lens do you use? That is a cute pic of there little feet. Margo won't hold still long enough for me to take a picture.

Michelle C said...


Ginnie said...

I shot this with my 50mm 1.8. It's a good inexpensive lens that is great for shooting indoors.

Jessica said...

How many different lenses do you have? I just have the one that came with my camera and a telephoto lens.

Ginnie said...

I don't have that many. I only have the kit lens (the 18-55mm), the 50mm 1.8, and a 105mm macro lens. One day when I have money, if I ever have money, the are a few more lenses I would love to invest in. But until then...

Jenny said...

I went down and looked at all your pictures. It all is beautiful (sigh)
You do a great job I love all of them and I feel that I have that artistic eye I inherited from my mother. So trust me when I say you have a gift. Keep it up