
A Flower From Me to You

Actually, the flowers are from Nate to me to you, but we don't need to get technical here. :)

For the image above and the image below I used a dry brush filter in Photoshop to give it the painted effect.

I'm thinking that this one might find itself on my wall somewhere.

Happy Valentines Day!

I hope your day is filled with plenty of
L O V E, C H O C O L A T E S, and ummm, D I E T COKE!


Jess said...

These are GORGEOUS Ginnie! I can almost smell their sweet scent! Happy Valentine's Day! :)

The Perry family said...

Right back at cha', and yes with the same flowers.

Jenny said...

Happy valentines to you. Did you guys have a day full of love and romance?? Well love you, and good work on the flowers girl!!